Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) & Stress Management

Release Stress and Emotional Triggers to Achieve Emotional Freedom

We inherently know that thoughts can cause a physiologic response. We have all heard the term stress headache.   Just visualize for a moment that you are taking a bite of a big, juicy lemon.  What happened?  If you are like most people, your mouth is watering right now.  You are responding to the memory of a lemon leading to a physiological response.  This is similar to a stress response that is triggered from unresolved memories. 

We have two types of stress responses, either acute or chronic.  Acute is when you feel that you are in immediate danger.  Chronic stress effects the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands leading to the release of cortisol and physiologic side effects in the body.   Events, smells, sounds and feelings that we experience today can subconsciously remind us of past traumatic events, which can lead to chronic stress resulting in symptoms.  With NET these stressors can be found and eliminated so that we no longer react to the stimulus in the same way. This is a simple quick tool that can be used not only to treat emotions that we are aware of, but past emotions we are unaware that we are still responding to, as well as pain that is related to past emotional stress.

Functional MRI is changed after NET treatment

Categorized as Therapies

Homeopathy – Bach Flower Remedies

Increase your Vitality


Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years.  It is derived from the Greek words homeo (similar) and pathos (suffering), which describes how the medicine works.  Homeopathic medicine operates under the laws of nature that like cures like and that the body fundamentally has the innate ability to heal itself.

Homeopathic preparations contain extremely small amounts of the original substance from which they are derived .  When the body is given a homeopathic preparation of a substance that causes symptoms that are the same as the symptoms present, the body will respond to the substance by adapting. A dose of homeopathy acts as a stressor, and causes the body to return to its normal state.  To better describe this, I use the example of onion.  Most of us are familiar with the symptoms that can arise from chopping up a few fresh onions; runny nose, burning watery eyes, sometimes trouble breathing and desire for fresh air.   If someone presents with these symptoms, a homeopathic preparation of onion at a certain potency would likely be indicated. Homeopathy is rather complex and is based upon the all of the person’s symptoms both physically and emotionally.

Bach Flower Essences

Bach flower essences effectively treat mental-emotional conditions, such as, anxiety, depression, stress related conditions, PTSD, etc. These natural plant derived remedies that inexpensive, non-toxic and effectively improve emotional disposition beginning with the first dose.

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“I was having health issues for around 10 years. I tried so many Dr’s In CA and Phoenix. Modern med, Ayurveda, Cow therapy, Hypnosis, massage, etc. No one can figure out, and try on me all kinds of meds and therapy but I couldn’t get better. Finally, I found Dr. Rosie and she understood my problem and treated me like an Angel. Thanks Dr. Rosie!”

– A. M.


“Dr. Banker fixed my sciatica in a matter of minutes! No painful injections or horrifying pills, I will keep coming back to her! She spends enough time with you and makes you feel like you are important!”

– L. D.


“Dr. Rosie, it was so nice to meet you yesterday and all my thanks for working on my back and neck. While I’m sore today (a good sore!), the pain is gone and I’m feeling much better. All my mobility is back and nothing is pinching. Thank you for pulling out all your tricks to fix me up in one visit.”

– L. C.


“Dr. Rosie has helped me regulate my hormones, minimized/removed any pain and has taught me to deal with emotions on a neurological level. She is very knowledgeable and attentive. I feel the best I have in the last couple years thanks to her patience and expertise. I highly recommend Dr. Rosie for treatment of ANYTHING that may be ailing you emotional or physical!”

– M.E.

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is not just using something natural rather than taking a pill or getting surgery. It is so much more.  It is a different way of thinking about the body.  It is an entirely different paradigm than conventional medicine.   Yes, Naturopathic Doctors use natural products to treat their patients, but it is so much more.  Naturopaths look at symptoms as a guide to what is truly the issue at hand.  A migraine headache is not just something that is extremely painful and uncomfortable in a number of other ways, but it is a clue to what is truly going on at the tissue and cellular level in that person.  Naturopathic medicine is much like a medical detective that uses the most natural substance and treatments possible for their patients.  Of course, when necessary, Naturopaths also prescribe prescription medications, send their patients to the ER, refer them to other specialists and even recommend surgical consults.  From day one of medical school Naturopaths are taught to always honor the principals of Naturopathic Medicine.

Naturopathic Physicians have six main treatment principals:

  • First Do no harm: Never use any treatments, deny access to treatments or recommend treatments that may cause your patient harm. Always use the least invasive protocols possible.
  • The healing power of nature: The body wants to be healthy. When given the proper tools, it will naturally return to its homeostatic state.
  • Identify and treat the cause: Find and remove the obstacles to cure and treat at the root of the problem, do not just mask symptoms
  • Treat the whole person: Each part of the body is connected, you cannot treat one part of the person without effecting another. Nerves from the spine control the organs, so an adjustment in your back may change the way your liver is functioning. When devising a treatment plan, consideration must be given to not only just the body and presenting symptoms, but also lifestyle, diet, relationships, mental-emotional status and more.
  • Doctor as teacher: Educating patients is key. When properly educated, they can truly understand what is going on with their body and what factors in their life are promoting or diminishing their health and well-being.
  • Prevention: Building up the body, mind and spirit so that it transcends to its highest level and is more resilient to factors that could otherwise cause a disease state.
Categorized as About, FAQ

Body Structure Optimization

Optimize Your Body, Inside and Out


There are many ways to adjust the body to create a better balance in the nervous system so that all of the muscles, vessels, organs and lymphatics work at their fullest potential. The following are some of the many things that are corrected during a visit at Transcendence Wellness Center.

Visceral Manipulation

  • This can involve addressing adhesions from old injuries and surgeries.  Movements of organs such as a hiatal hernia, retroverted uterus, twists in the small and large intestines and drainage of organs such as gallbladder and liver, ect.

Spinal and Extremity Manipulation

  • This involves using either traditional adjustments (similar to what a chiropractor would do), activator manipulation (impulse), or use of breath to allow muscles to relax and allow the movement of the bones into their correct position.


  • Addressing the TMJ can help with a variety of conditions, including; insomnia, jaw clenching, clicking and popping while chewing, balance issues, neck pain and much more.

Muscle Rehabilitation, Trigger Points, Muscle Weakness and Muscle Optimization

  • Correcting abnormal muscle patterns and muscle weakness will make you feel better as you go about your day to day activities.  It helps reduce injuries that occur with exercise.  It is also used with athletes to optimize and reduce injuries during a golf swing, pitch, running, swimming, ect.

Ligaments and Connective Tissues

  • Ligaments and connective tissue are responsible for holding your bones, muscles, vessels and visceral organs in the correct positions.  Micro and macro tears, weakness, increased laxity or “stretchiness” and misalignments of these tissues can lead to a host of problems throughout the body;  instability of joints, muscle weakness and abnormal function, decreased functionality of the vessels and organs throughout the body and chronic disorders like osteoarthritis. 

Nervous system Rehabilitation and Optimization

Craniosacral System

  • The duramater is the outermost layer of your brain, and it runs down the spinal cord. Because of this, misalignments in the skull and/or sacrum can cause your entire spine to be impacted.  This will change the way your nerves are able to travel from your spinal cord to your organs, muscles and vessels, ultimately resulting in abnormal function.  We address this by correcting these misalignments, which optimizes the nervous system inflow and outflow of the spine and brain to the rest of the body.
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Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Relax, Balance, Heal and Find Inner Peace

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been utilized to successfully treat a variety of health conditions for thousands of years.  Acupuncture can be used to direct the body’s flow life force energy (QI) which can become congested, stagnant or deficient in organ systems channels (meridians) or specific areas of the body.  This can lead to a variety of symptoms and health issues including; pain, acute illnesses like cold and flu, insomnia, hot flashes, frequent urination, migraines, digestive disturbances and just about anything that you can think of.

Each organ has correlations to a certain time of the day, emotions, tastes, senses and parts of the body.  A dysfunction of energy flow from the meridian associated with one organ system to the next can result in disharmony of the organs and the related parts of the body, senses, tastes and emotions.  An example of this is someone that has liver congestion; some common findings would be consistently waking up during the night between 1-3 AM, craving for sour foods, easily tends toward anger, has vision problems such as blurry vision or red, itchy, burning eyes and flank pain.

What to Expect

Acupuncture needles are very small and usually painless.  Most people, actually, find their treatment to be very relaxing.  Treatment time and location of points vary based upon each individual case.  Some patients choose to forgo the needles all together and receive an acupressure treatment.  Treatment is based upon current symptoms and tongue and pulse assessment done by the physician the day of the appointment.

Cupping Therapy

Many people are now familiar with how cupping can help with muscle pain and rehabilitation thanks to Michael Phelps’ display of his cupping marks in the 2016 Summer Olympics.  This is a very relaxing treatment that is useful for moving blood and lymph, improving the flow of Qi, detoxification, muscle and nerve pain, increase relaxation and is especially useful with respiratory conditions.